The Sun and all the planets around it are part of what is known as the Milky Way Galaxy. It is our home galaxy and one of the billions of galaxies in the universe. The term “milky” is derived from the galaxy’s appearance from Earth – a band of light in the night sky formed from stars. However, you can’t see that with your naked eye.
The Milky Way appears as a band as its disk-shaped structure is viewed from within. A barred spiral with a diameter ranging from 100, 000 to 1800,000 light years, our galactic home is estimated to contain between 100 and 400 billion stars.
Milky Way is a part of a cluster of galaxies called the Local Group, which comprises about 40 galaxies. The Local Group is, in turn, a part of a Local Supercluster, which encompasses several clusters of galaxies like the Local Group. One Local Supercluster is about 10 million light-years from the other.
The distance of the solar system from the galactic center is about 30,000 light-years and about 20 light years from the plane of the galaxy.
The Milky Way travels through space at a speed of about 343 miles per second with regard to the Cosmic Microwave Background radiation.
The galaxy’s central core has a supermassive black hole, which contains the mass of roughly 4.3 million Suns. It is normally referred to as Sagittarius A.
This show has been design and developed by NASA for Bluestar Planetaroum for teaching purpoase to the children.
@All rights reserved for Bluestar Planetorium 2018
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